‘Furniture Academy’ for women and youth

8 institutions joined forces and implemented the ‘Karabağlar Furniture Academy’ project to increase the employment opportunities of women and youth. Izmir University of Economics (IUE), one of the stakeholders of the exemplary project, the foundations of which were laid last year by the Karabağlar District Governorate, opened the doors of its campus to 45 people. Initially, 96 hours of training on ‘furniture design’ was given to a group of 13 qualified young people with undergraduate or graduate degrees. In addition, 32 master trainers who teach handicrafts in Karabağlar were provided training by IUE academics on many subjects such as creativity, innovative product development, marketing and branding. The project will be completed in April 2023 and training programs for different groups will continue until then.
The project named ‘Karabağlar Furniture Academy for Women and Youth’ was realized within the scope of the Social Development Support Program (SOGEP) carried out by Izmir Development Agency (IZKA) under the coordination of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, with the application of Karabağlar District Governorship. While ISKUR Provincial Directorate, Karabağlar District Directorate of National Education, Izmir Chamber of Carpenters and Furniture Workers (IZMOD) are among the project partners, Izmir University of Economics has touched the lives of women and young people by adding a new one to the collaborations it has realized for the benefit of society. A total of 8 institutions signed an exemplary partnership in the project supported by ALFEMO Furniture, Erciyes Anadolu Holding and Aegean Furniture Industrialists and Businessmen Association (EMODER) as project participants. Trainings at IUE were given by Asst. Prof. Dr. Can Özcan, Head of Department of Industrial Design, and Faculty Members Prof. Dr. Murat Bengisu, Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra Bici Nasır and Lecturer Yavuz Cengiz from Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Nilgün Gürkaynak from Department of Business Administration.
Undertaking the coordination of all trainings within the University, Asst. Prof. Dr. Can Özcan, Head of Department of Industrial Design, stated that they are happy to be a stakeholder in such an important project, a first in Izmir. Asst. Prof. Dr. Özcan said, “We provided qualified training support to women and youth under the coordination of Department of Industrial Design. In addition, the training of the people who gave furniture decoration training for women was also very important. We have completed capacity building trainings for a total of 32 handicraft master trainers. The aim of these trainings was to provide people with the professional knowledge and infrastructure that can be employed in the fields of design and production, contribute to the furniture sector, raise individuals who can contribute the sector by increasing social entrepreneurship and innovation. At this point, I think the project has achieved its objective.”
Congratulating everyone who contributed to the realization of the project, IUE Rector Prof. Dr. Murat Aşkar said, “We see the whole of Izmir as our campus. At this point, we see ourselves as the natural stakeholder of every project that will contribute to this city and its people. This project, implemented by the Karabağlar District Governorate, was an exemplary step that I believe should be spread throughout the city. As a university, we are very happy to contribute to the progress of the project by fulfilling our responsibility. I congratulate all academics who participated in the trainings and thank them for their support.”