Gender Equality Plan (2022-2025)

Izmir University of Economics (IUE) Gender Equality Plan has been prepared to provide equal opportunities for the academic and administrative staff of the University in terms of gender in their working lives, by taking the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Development Program into account.

Admission of female academics to institutions of higher education in Turkey began with the establishment of Inas Darulfunun (Women's University) in 1914 and the representation of women increased steadily in the Republican period. Today, according to the data of the Council of Higher Education (YOK), the rate of women among all academics is over 45 percent in 207 higher education institutions, 129 of which are state, 74 are foundation and 4 are foundation vocational schools. In IUE, as of 2021, this rate is above the Turkey average, and female academic staff make up 57 percent of the academic staff and female administrative staff make up 56 percent of the administrative staff.

The conditions for appointment and promotion to academic and administrative staff at IUE are based on professional competence. Recruiting qualified people, keeping the motivation of the employees high with a performance appraisal system compatible with the mission, vision, and general strategy of the University, and being able to complete all business processes and tasks effectively and efficiently is among the most important priorities of our university. Consequently, it is aimed to create a fair environment in appointments and promotions, to make the most appropriate career planning for the personnel, and thus to maximize employee satisfaction and sense of belonging in the workplace.

Human resources management at IUE is carried out in accordance with the Academic Personnel Regulation, Guidelines for the Appointment and Promotion of Academic Staff, and the Administrative and Technical Staff Regulation. IUE Guidelines for the Appointment and Promotion of Academic Staff determines the procedures and principles to be applied in the appointments to be made for the first time to serve as a full-time or part-time faculty member or assistant to the University, renewing the contracts of the current faculty members/teaching assistants, and promoting them to a position with a higher academic title. When a new department/program is opened at IUE, job openings for academic staff who are competent in their fields and who have the qualifications required for defined courses in that department/program are offered and announced, and instructors are employed accordingly. Course assignments are discussed at department meetings with the participation of faculty members, and assignments are made with the suggestions of department heads, faculty deans and school/vocational school/graduate school directors. In addition, information on the subject is shared in the YOK audit report, which is prepared regularly every year.

Part-time lecturers are appointed for the courses that are not suitable for the fields of the permanent lecturers of the institution. Some of the part-time lecturers work at different universities, and planning is made taking the courses they teach in their fields of study and departments into account. Recognized professionals in the industry often teach practical courses due to their professional experience. Language proficiency is essential for part-time lecturers, and experience abroad is also a preferred factor.

Various opportunities are offered to the teaching staff at IUE to continue their professional development and improve their educational skills. Lecturers are regularly encouraged to develop their teaching competencies through self-assessment processes and student feedback.

Through the Teaching and Learning Center (EKOEGITIM), trainers are trained on educational methods aimed at active learning and student interaction, informative materials, individual counseling are offered, and practice examples are shared. Many seminars, workshops and "In-house Professional Development Courses for Lecturers" were organized to introduce innovative education techniques to the lecturers during the distance education period. Five meetings titled "Speak Out" were held with a total of 98 academic staff who participated voluntarily in 2020 and 2021, and problems and wishes were shared under the roof of EKOEGITIM.

Lecturers who have not had a PhD or post-doctoral experience abroad are encouraged to gain this experience within the framework of the Regulation for Overseas Experience Program. In addition, lecturers can give short-term lectures at the universities that cooperate through the ERASMUS program.

IUE Promotion Principles for Scientific Publications have been prepared to encourage all full-time lecturers at the University to publish at an international level. Within the framework of the principles set forth in the Academic Travel Regulation, the travels of all full-time faculty members and research assistants to make presentations at scientific events or meetings in the country and abroad are supported.

Administrative positions are appointed with the approval of the Board of Trustees in line with the demands and needs of the relevant unit. In the administrative personnel recruitment process, job applications are received by the Human Resources Department (HR) according to the qualifications of the personnel needed and presented to the relevant unit after the necessary preliminary examination and elimination. The head of the unit, the HR Manager and the Secretary General make interviews with the eligible candidates, respectively. In some technical units, in addition to this procedure, candidates are subjected to a technical exam. Eligible candidates are employed with the approval of the Board of Trustees. Knowledge of English is an important criterion for the administrative staff to be employed, as the medium of instruction in the academic units of the University is mostly English and there are foreign nationals among the students and academic staff. In addition, importance is given to updating the computer knowledge of the employees in accordance with the conditions of the day and business processes. Employees' updating their knowledge as a result of changing technological conditions and developments in other related fields is one of the issues that the University meticulously puts emphasis on. For this reason, periodic in-service trainings are provided to the employees. To carry out the institutionalization process at IUE systematically, studies were started with Humanica company as of September 2020 and a "Workshop on Searching for Perfect" was organized on September 27, 2020, with the participation of administrative staff. In addition to all these, an inclusive and participatory approach is being tried to be ensured between the units in the processes carried out with the Boards and Commissions formed with the participation of academic staff and administrative staff at IUE.

In summary, the academic and administrative appointment, promotion, and assignment criteria at IUE and the practices aiming to increase personnel competency have been internalized and systematized. Inclusivity is emphasized and developed in a way that can set an example for other higher education institutions. These criteria and practices stand out with their gender-neutral features. However, gender-neutral rules and mechanisms may not ensure that women have equal opportunity and representation with men in education, research, and administration due to widespread attitudes towards gender inequality.

For this reason, additional measures have been taken to ensure equality of opportunity between academic and administrative female and male staff at IUE. The Gender and Women's Studies Research and Application Center (EKOKAM), which was established within IUE on 14 October 2009, was established to raise awareness about gender issues and to carry out activities for education, research, and communication at national and international level. These activities can be specified in three main groups: i) Studies to raise awareness of gender equality for staff and students, ii) Academic studies, and iii) Public services. The first includes educational activities such as organizing awareness seminars with internal stakeholders and offering elective courses on gender equality issues, the second includes research, various activities such as conferences and exhibitions in Turkey and abroad, and public services include community education and cooperation with public institutions.

In addition to the stated activities of EKOKAM, IUE Gender Equality Plan was prepared and put into effect in December 2021. The object of the Gender Equality Plan is to ensure the continuity of gender-based egalitarian working conditions for all employees of our university and to diversify in-house practices. In line with this objective, it is aimed to develop institutional strategies and mechanisms that support career and performance development, inclusive dialogue and lifelong learning, and combat glass ceiling syndrome, sexual harassment, and assault.

IUE Gender Equality Plan covers five key areas:

  1. Work-life balance and organizational culture,
  2. Gender balance in leadership and decision-making,
  3. Gender equality in recruitment and career progression,
  4. Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content,
  5. Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment.

University's planned targets in these main areas for 2022-2025, actions to be taken, responsible units, resources and mechanisms are presented in Table 1.

I hope that the Gender Equality Plan will contribute to the elimination of gender-based discrimination in all layers of the society, and I request your support in its adoption and implementation by all academic and administrative units and students of our university.




  1. Work-life balance and organizational culture


Current State


Planned Actions

Responsible Unit

The Gender and Women's Studies Research and Application Center (EKOKAM), which was established within IUE, carries out studies on lifelong learning and awareness; conducts research on women's issues, carries out supportive studies and practices.

Increasing the awareness on gender equality within the institution.

Recruitment of support personnel to EKOKAM.



- Rectorate

An online survey was conducted with academic and administrative staff on 15-27 November 2021 to analyze the needs and situation of parents working at IUE and their children aged 0-18.

As a result of the survey conducted with academic and administrative staff on 15-27 November 2021, the following targets were determined:
- Organizing child and parent workshops at IUE Children's University,
- Opening of IUE Practice Kindergarten.

IUE Children's University started its activities in 2021-2022 academic year. Assigning personnel for the workshops to be organized by the Children's University.
Determining space and personnel needs for kindergarten.

- Rectorate
- General Secretariat
- IUE Children's University

The data on the number of female and male staff in the institution and their distribution according to the units are provided by the Human Resources Directorate.

Establishing a digital archive system that will provide gender equality data.

Digital archiving within IUE is carried out by the Rectorate.

- Rectorate
- General Secretariat

Feedback is received from internal stakeholders on a regular basis every semester through satisfaction surveys prepared for the University students, academic staff and administrative staff, graduation surveys completed by students before they graduate, meetings held with students every semester, focus group meetings and meetings held by the rectorate with academic units.
With these feedbacks, the services provided by the University to its internal stakeholders are evaluated and necessary arrangements are made. Thus, it is ensured that these feedbacks contribute to the University's quality assurance system.

Adding questions to Satisfaction Surveys held every January to measure gender equality.
Gathering gender-based demands and suggestions of female employees through a survey.

Creating new survey questions.

- Rectorate

Organizing the satisfaction survey and collecting data every calendar year.

Examining individual and institutional opportunities with survey data in line with gender equality.

Analysis of the information obtained as a result of the Satisfaction Survey. Taking necessary measures in case of feedback below the determined criteria.

- Rectorate
- Quality Coordination  Unit

  1. Gender balance in leadership and decision-making

Current State


Planned Actions

Responsible Unit

An average of 3 national talks are held every year within the body of EKOKAM, and leading female researchers, politicians and executives in their fields are invited as guest speakers.

Bringing female role models to the fore.

Increasing the number of talks with leading female scientists and executives in their fields.

-Academic Units

Female lecturers make up 57 percent of the academic staff and female administrative staff make up 56 percent of the staff .
One of the two vice-rectors, five of the eight deans, two of the three vocational school directors, and one of the two school directors are women. The number of female managers in administrative units, including two vice general secretaries, is higher than that of men.

Ensuring the sustainability of 50%.

Providing women with managerial skills by encouraging women's active participation in working committees and commissions in decision-making processes.

- Rectorate
- General Secretariat
- University Administrative Board
- Academic Units

  1. Gender equality in recruitment and career progression

Current State


Planned Actions

Responsible Unit

Asst. Prof. Dr. female employee rate 51%
Assoc. Prof. Dr. female employee rate 56%
Prof. Dr. female employee rate 45%

Ensuring the sustainability of 50%.

Encouraging female academics into the higher ranks of academia.

Preparing annual gender equality reports.

- Rectorate
- Academic Units

Position-based career tables have been created for administrative staff.

Maintaining female employment rates.

Paying attention to balancing gender equality in the appointment criteria.

- Rectorate
- General Secretariat
- Academic Units

Seminars and talks organized by EKOKAM.

Raising awareness of administrative and academic staff on their rights and responsibilities based on gender equality.

Increasing awareness on gender equality with new seminars.

Preparing female executive development programs.

- Academic Units

  1. Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content

Current State


Planned Actions

Responsible Unit

MCS 370 Gender and Media,
SBUI Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies,
GEET 312 History of the Women's Rights Movement,
SOC 430 Gender and Social Change,
MI 370 Gender and Media,
HUK 478 Gender Issues in Law,
CDM 430 Women's Cinema,
SOC 310 Islam and Gender in Turkey,
PSIR 480 Gender Politics,
PSIR 560 Gender Politics,
ECON 444 Economics of Gender,
HEM 212 Women's Health and Diseases Nursing,
HEM 216 Women Health and Child Health and Diseases Nursing,
HEM 312 Public Health Nursing,
HEM 316 Public Health Nursing and Mental Health and Diseases Nursing – Clinics.


Increasing the variety of courses offered on gender.

Ensuring that gender courses are regularly offered in the Fall and Spring semesters and the course contents are prepared. Diversifying educational resources (course presentations, textbooks, international resource videos) and making them accessible to students.


- Academic Units

Projects carried out by the academic units.

Ensuring interdisciplinary studies and coordination in gender studies.

Encouraging research projects carried out by the University's academic units and research centers.

Providing support in project writing and fundraising.

- Project Development and Technology Transfer Office (TTO)

  1. Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment

Current State


Planned Actions

Responsible Unit

Regular and continuous in-house training activities on gender-based violence and sexual harassment


Raising awareness of academic and administrative staff on gender-based violence and sexual harassment

Organizing awareness trainings on gender-based violence and sexual harassment for academic and administrative staff


Increasing students' awareness on these issues

Including gender-based violence and sexual harassment topics in orientation courses

Additions to the content of orientation courses

- Rectorate

Lack of support mechanisms

Establishing and strengthening support mechanisms on gender-based violence and sexual harassment

Recruitment of support personnel to EKOKAM

- Rectorate
- General Secretariat

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