Purpose, Goal, Scope, Basis, and Definitions



Article 1- (1) The purpose of this bylaw is to set out the general rules, principles, and methods regarding the planning, conducting, and assessment of clinical practice and field studies of the students of Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izmir University of Economics will be performing throughout their studies at units affiliated to Izmir University of Economics, and at other organizations during spring and summer semester.



Article 2- (1) The main goal of clinical practice/field studies is ; to make students gain all cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills they will need to acquire throughout their study, which are expected of them to be able to graduate.   

(2) Below are the goals;

      a. Ensure that students gain competence in nursing skills at various practice environments,

      b. Ensure that students use the correct steps of practice, and help them gain practice habit,

      c. Contribute to the development of students’ clinical decision-making skills,

      ç. Contribute to the development of students’ communication skills,

      d. Ensure that students use their nursing process, critical thinking, and problem solving skills in care   management, and

      e. Help students transition into work life.



Article 3- (1) This bylaw includes general rules and principles regarding clinical practice and field studies anticipated in the curriculum of students studying at Department of Nursing.



Article 4- (1) This bylaw has been prepared in accordance with the “Higher Education Law” No: 2547, the “Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations” of Izmir University of Economics, the “Regulation on Minimum Education Requirements for Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and Architecture Programs” numbered 26775, Law No. 5510 on “Social Security and General Health Insurance”, and other respective legislation.



Article 5- The references in this bylaw are as follows;

a) Department: Department of Nursing,

b) Head of Department: Head of Department of Nursing,

c) Dean: Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences,

ç) Semester Practice: Applied education carried out with sick or healthy individuals at primary, secondary or tertiary health care institutions/organizations and/or at places required by the course,  

d) Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences,

e) Internship: Clinical practice/field study carried out in the seventh and eight semesters of the curriculum,

f) Institution/Organization: Public or private institutions or organizations where students will be performing clinical practice/field study,

g) Student: Student of Department of Nursing,

ğ) Clinical Practice Commission: Commission established by the Department of Nursing who is in charge of coordination and overseeing of summer practices,

h) Supervising Lecturer/Practice Coordinators: Person in charge of the practices at institutions or organizations where clinical practice/field studies will take place, and lecturers and/or nurses who accompany students, and guide them throughout their applied education,

ı) University: Izmir University of Economics,

i) Summer Practice: Clinical practice which is performed during summer time following the fourth and sixth semesters when education is not offered and/or during semester break, and lasts for 20 business days. Additionally, the relative Internship Committee may permit students to perform internship at other times if they do not disrupt their studies. 





Duties of Head of Department

Article 6- (1) The Head of Department is in charge of the clinical practice/field study organization of the Department.

(2) The Head of Department is responsible for ensuring the complete and orderly execution of practices, and solving potential problems, and communicating them with the Dean’s Office if necessary.


Duties of Supervising Lecturer/Practice Coordinator

Article 7- (1) Supervising Lecturer/Practice Coordinator is responsible for:

      a. preparing the list of students and starting the process,

      b. informing the students about their duties to be performed at the clinic, and ensuring the nursing care  plans and nursing skills are carried out correctly,

      c. ensuring students engage in safe and complete bedside practices,  

      ç. ensuring students abide by the provisions of this bylaw, and supervising and inspecting the practice areas for smooth running of the practice program,

      d. solving problems that may arise during practice. In case of not being able to do so, informing the faculty member teaching the course if available, if not, informing the Head of the Department,

      e. ensuring students work in teams,

      f. evaluating students during and after the practice,

      g. creating learning opportunities for students (participation of students in hospital ward rounds, case presentations, trainings on-site, etc.),

      ğ. guiding students constantly,

      h. making sure students sign the attendance list as they arrive and leave the institution for practice,

      ı. abiding by the dress code, specified by the Office of Head of the Department, during the practice.


Duties of Clinical Practice Commission

Article 8- (1) Clinical Practice Commission consists of lecturers selected by the Head of the Department and approved by the Faculty Administrative Board. The Commission carries out arrangement, coordination, monitoring, assessment, and storing of practice information.

Clinical Practice Commission is responsible for:

    a. ensuring the insurance procedures of students, their health screening tests required by the institution where the practice will take place, and their occupational health and safety training are completed before the start of the practice,

     b. pre-preparing for practices (coordination between lecturers and places of practice, practice forms, plans, etc.),

    c. preparing practice schedule and learning outcomes,

    ç. Following up on the forms from respective institutions/organizations regarding clinical practice.


Duties and Responsibilities of Students

Article 9- Students, who are performing clinical practice/field study, are responsible for: 

    a. abiding by the dress code stated in this bylaw (Articles 17-18),

    b. preparing for theoretical, practical courses before class,

    c. abiding by the work order and discipline rules of the place where practice takes place,

    ç. Displaying manners, behaviors expected of them by supervising lecturer/practice coordinators, and fulfilling duties and responsibilities efficiently, completely, and on time,

    d. preparing nursing care plan and providing appropriate care to patients assigned to them,

    e. displaying professional ethics, and manners and behaviors appropriate for teamwork when it comes to relations with the patient, patient’s relatives, and staff members of the institution,

    f. using the tools and equipment carefully, and returning them. Students are obliged to pay for the damages caused by them,       

    g. asking permission and opinion of supervising lecturer/practice coordinators for leaving or changing the place of practice,

    ğ. Entrusting clinical nurse to take care of patients(s) assigned to them in case of having to leave the place of practice,

    h. informing the officials and lecturer in charge immediately in the event of work accidents (injury by sharp objects) at the place of practice. Ensuring an “Occupational Health and Safety Accident Notice Form” is filled out, and contacting the Career Guidance Center, and following up on it.

     ı. Insurance procedures regarding the clinical practice/field study need to be completed before the start of the clinical practice/field study. Students are responsible for submitting the required documents to the lecturer of the course three weeks prior to the first day of the clinical practice/field starts. For summer practice, required documents need to be submitted to the Career Guidance Center fifteen days prior. Required documents are announced on the webpage of Career Guidance Center.

    i. reporting at the clinic/field on time in uniform,

    j. completing the practice duration. Students, who leave before practice is over, will be considered not having performed practice for that day.

    k. providing care and treatment to the patient(s) under the supervision of the clinical nurse/ lecturer. Students are not allowed to provide invasive care on their own.

    l. submitting the practices or the care plan they use for sick/health patients assigned to them to the lecturer. Attending to patients is ensured through the coordination of lecturer/ nurse at the clinic.

   m. informing the respective lecturer immediately about all problematic issues during practice,

   n. submitting the Assessment Forms for summer practice to the person in charge of the place of practice.

These forms are filled out, and approved by an authorized person (ward nurse, chief nurse, or director of nursing services), and submitted to the supervising lecturer in a corporate sealed and/or signed envelope.     

Forms missing the corporate seal or signatures are not taken into consideration.




General Rules



Article 10- (1) Students need to attend 80% of semester practice and 90% of summer practice. [Izmir University of Economics “Internship Regulation (Article 3)”, “Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations (Article 22)”].

A workday is calculated as 8 (eight) hours.

When necessary, clinical practice/field study may take place on weekends and on official holidays. Students, who do not attend applied courses (labs, clinical practices/field studies) for periods stated above, are considered unsuccessful due to absence. They cannot take the final exam of the respective course. Students’ absences are documented with an attendance list.



Assessment and Objections

Article 11- (1) Provisions of “Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations” is taken into account in calculating the passing grade for applied courses.

Supervising lecturers/practice coordinators evaluate and grade students via methods such as written/oral, bedside clinical exam, structured skills exam, observation forms, care plan, mind map, reflection, performance grade, etc.

(2) Objections to assessment results are made in accordance with the provisions of IUE “Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations”.


Article 12- (1) In order for students to graduate, they have to complete their internship/practice successfully within the maximum education period stated in the Higher Education Law 2547. A student who has not completed his/her required internship/practice could not graduate even if s/he takes all the courses required in his/her program and become successful. 


Practice Areas and Duration

Article 13- (1) Practices take place for periods specified in the curriculum, and at public/private institutions/organizations (heath institutions, institutions affiliated to social services, educational institutions, etc.) identified by the Office of Head of Department.


Article 14- (1) Students, if they wish, may perform their clinical practice/ field study abroad within the scope of Erasmus and / or Exchange agreements, or independently. These students shall be subject to the mobility terms of IUE Office of International Affairs on clinical practice/ field study. If the student wishes to perform clinical practice/ field study independently, Clinical Practice Commission decides about the suitability of the institution selected by the student, and the Department of Nursing carries out the official correspondences. In such a case, student is responsible for meeting the health insurance, accident insurance, etc. demands by the institution.


Article 15- (1) Foreign national students may perform their summer practice in their home country if approved by the Clinical Practice Commission.


Uniform and General Appearance

Article 16- (1) Students abide by the dress code of the Department of Nursing while performing practice. In case of having to wear white uniforms or other uniforms required by the institution where practice takes place, instead of the uniforms designated by the Department of Nursing, the approval of the Head of the Department or the Clinical Practice Commission is required.


Article 17- (1) Uniform and General Appearance are as follows:

     a. Students are required to wear uniforms (model, color) specified by the Department. Uniforms should only be worn in the practice area; they should be clean and ironed bearing a nametag specified by the Department.

     b. Hair should be tied up.

     c. Nails should be clean, neat and short in length. A clear nail polish is acceptable.

     ç. The only acceptable jewelry to be worn with the uniform is smooth band ring, small button-style pierced earrings, and a watch with second hand. Piercing is not allowed.

     d. Makeup should not be worn in excessive amounts.

     e. Male students should be clean-shaven. Beard, goatee or mustache are not allowed.

     f. When necessary, students are allowed to wear long sleeve t-shirt under the uniform matching the color of the uniform. However, they are not allowed to wear vest or a jacket over the uniform.         

     g. Shoes, used outside, are not allowed. Shoes should be in good repair, clean and professional in appearance, clogs or crocs are not allowed.

     ğ. Students wearing a headscarf should wear a plain headscarf same color as the uniform without any accessories and tassels.

     h. A pen and stethoscope are required accessories during practice.

     ı. Cell phones should be on silent/or vibration mode, and used only when necessary.

     i. Taking a photo of, video or audio recording the patient or the staff is forbidden during practice.






Article 18- (1) Izmir University of Economics does not make any payments to students who are performing their internship/clinical practice. Any agreement and/or financial relations between the student and the institution where the internship/clinical practice are not binding for the IUE in any way. The internship/clinical practice insurances of the students, who perform internships/clinical practice related to their education are made by the University by paying the “Occupational Accident and Occupational Disease” premium in the scope of the Law numbered 5510.  


Article 19- (1) In regard to applied courses specified in the four-year curriculum of the Department;

   a. More than one faculty member can be assigned based on the number of students and the availability of the practice area.

   b. Theoretical courses and applied courses can be combined at the beginning of the semester upon the recommendation of the respective lecturer and the approval of the Head of the Department on the condition that it covers the total course hours specified in the curriculum of the Department.


Article 20- (1) Provisions of IUE Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations and IUE Internship shall be taken into account should non-provisional cases occur in this bylaw. The respective faculty boards and the Dean’s Office, upon the recommendation of the Head of the Department, finalize students’ adjustment to the bylaw and resolution of non-provisional cases.


Article 21- (1) Students must comply with the rules and principles of the institution wherein they perform their internships/clinical practices. These students in training must comply with the safety rules and regulations of the firms they are working in. They also have to use the institution’s equipment, machines and tools carefully. If a student does not comply with these obligations, s/he has to assume the responsibility.



Article 22- (1) This bylaw takes effect on the date it is accepted by the University Senate and Izmir University of Economics Board of Trustees. 



Article 23- (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Bylaw.



This bylaw has taken  effect with Senate Decision dated 16.01.2019 and numbered 356-A9, and with Board of Trustees Decision dated  on the date of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 12.02.2019 and numbered 16.



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