Aim and Scope

Article 1- (Change: SD-28/12/2009-145/A8-BTD-12/01/2010-61-13) This directive is prepared to define the principles of organization, duty, and work of the Izmir University of Economics Library.

Article 2 (Change: SD-28/12/2009-145/A8-BTD-12/01/2010-61-13)

The terms stipulated in this directive;

a) University: refers to the Izmir University of Economics
b) Library: refers to the library of the Izmir University of Economics

c) Library Director: refers to the directory of IUE Library

d) User refers to the users who benefit from the resources in the library

e) Material: refers to all the audiovisual-based printed and electronic sources, which can be used in the library and university campus

f) Library Commission: refers to the commission established by the approval of the Rector and made up of one academician from each faculty as a representative and a Library Director in order to select and purchase the information resources of the Library, and follow the management and operation of the Library

Foundation Objective
Article 3-(Change: SD-06/01/2005-43-A5-BTD-07/02/2005-10/B5)
The library is founded to support the educational, training and scientific research carried on in the University; to provide material in order to perform contemporary library service; and to make this service available for the people who need them and to satisfy the knowledge needs in this scope.



Article 4 - The facilities of the university library are conducted by the Library Director in accordance with this Directive.


(Change: SD-28/12/2009-145/A8-BTD-12/01/2010-61-13)Library Commission gives recommendations about selecting and purchasing the information resources of the Library and the operation of the library, such as; opening-closing hours, members’ fee, congruity of the library with the contemporary standards.


The Duties of the Library Director

Article 5 (Change: SD-28/12/2009-145/A8-BTD-12/01/2010-61-13)
The duties of the library director are as follows:
a) To undertake the necessary work in the formation of the adequate staff for library services, to submit    opinion to the Rector about the personnel to be appointed or assigned for the library, and to carry on the general training and monitoring.


b) To benefit from publishers’ catalogues to enrich the collection of books, to provide the necessary material for research and training domestically or from abroad, and to sort out the material systematically and make them available for the people who need, and also to organize and monitor the necessary library services.


c) To make sure to keep the library materials in the library collection.


d) To prepare the Library Budget Outline for the material that will be provided domestically and from abroad, considering the requests coming from the academic and administrative units, and to submit this budget outline to the Rectorate.


e) To update the material, equipment, computers, etc in the library regularly.


f) To prepare a detailed annual report about the Library services and presenting it to the Rectorate and to the Library Commission every year in January.


g) To support the scientific researches by publishing bibliography, thesis catalogue, periodicals, etc.


h) To conduct practical training and application for university students and other students studying Librarianship in domestic and foreign universities.


ı) To use the income that is gained from the membership cards and other ways (print, photocopy, late fee, etc.) to enrich the library collection, inform the Director and Library Commission regularly about the library income and expenses.


i) To identify the training needs of the personnel and actualize their training
j) To arrange meetings for the Library Commission regularly.


k) To conduct the work required by the Library services and duties in accordance with this directive, and to provide library works to be appropriate to contemporary standards.


Library Services

Article 6 -(Change: SD-06/01/2005-43-A5-BTD-07/02/2005-10/B5)  
Library services are arranged and executed in two groups as Technical Services and User Services.
A-Technical Services:
Covers the services such as:
a) Supplying every kind of library materials such as books, periodicals, thesis, micro-films, videos, audio-visual equipment and electronic data-base, video-cassette, CD, DVD, audio cassette by choosing, buying, donating or exchanging, in order to enrich collection of books.

b) Grouping, classification and labeling of supplied materials according to contemporary scientific methods and preparing them for use after recording to the library computer program.

c) Preparing direction signs to enable the materials to be found easily at the shelves.

d) Selecting materials periodically (at least once a year) to update the collection.

B- User Services
Covers the services such as:
a) Providing the users with every kind of library materials within the system of “studying in the library” or “lending out”.

b) Providing the users make use of the electronic databases and library materials in or out of the library easily.

c) Arranging and conducting the services such as scanning publications, internet access (electronic magazines, databases and on-line catalogues).

d) Supplying the materials, which are not found in the library, from domestic and foreign libraries by using the system of Inter Library Lending protocol (ILL).

e) Providing the users make use of audio-visual equipment and materials.

f) Arranging seminars, conferences, training programs in or out of the university, and making announcements via publications and e-mails to promote library services and generalize their use.

g) Preparing questionnaires and other techniques to measure users’ satisfaction.


Membership and Using the Library Services

Article 7 (Change: SD-28/12/2009-145/A8-BTD-12/01/2010-61-13)
In order to benefit from the library, it is compulsory to have membership.


Students of the IUE, academic and administrative personnel, Alumni members, Izmir Chamber of Commerce members, foundation members and personnel, TOBB members and personnel are natural members of the library. They can benefit from the library and borrow materials by showing their IDs.


Apart from the ones mentioned above, one can benefit from the library only on condition that they have a membership card and pay regular fee.


Membership fee has one-year duration and it is carried out by the proposal of Rectorate with the cooperation between Library Directorate and Library Commission.


The issue of borrowing materials for the legal people is subject to Inter Library Lending protocol (ILL).


Besides the Academic Personnel may borrow books for one semester on condition that they are within the limit.


Library materials are lent to library members by taking their titles into consideration under following processes:
a) The books are lent for 21 days, and the duration can be extended twice. Academic personnel and Graduate students can borrow maximum 10 books and other groups can borrow maximum 5 books.

b) Members can borrow maximum 3 periodicals for 7 days, and the duration can be extended for once.

c) Members can borrow 2 multi-medias for 7 days, and cannot extend duration.

d) Members can borrow reserve material for 2 hours on condition that they use it in the library, and duration can be extended twice.

Also the Academic personnel can borrow book for one semester within the limits.


Users can extend the allocated time of their materials not only by coming to the library but also through the web page of the library, electronic mail, or a phone call.


Members accept to obey the subscription and certificate conditions of the university in advance for the use of database of the university’s subscriber.


Members of the library are allowed to ask for not more than five items of publications from abroad or within the country. They can obtain the items only by paying for the cost of document providing according to the requirements of Inter Library Lending protocol and the owners of the publications.


Responsibilities of the Borrower

Article 8- The borrower has to take good care of the material and give it back by the allocated time. This article, the related disciplinary measures and other legal procedures are to be carried out for those who do not fulfill their responsibilities.


Materials that cannot be Lent

Article 9- The following materials cannot be lent. The users can only make use of the materials in the library.
a) Reference resources (Encyclopedia, dictionary, biography, annual, guide, manual, atlas, bibliography, index, abstract, statistics, catalogue, report etc.),
b) Thesis,
c) Reserve books,
d) Current issues of the periodicals,
e) Musical notes,
f) Maps and slides,
g) Pieces of a certain collection, work of arts such as sculpture and paintings,
h) Rare works of art and other materials, which are registered by the Directorate of the Library.


Materials that are not Returned on Time

Article 10 (Change: SD-28/12/2009-145/A8-BTD-12/01/2010-61-13)
The users, who do not return the borrowed material by the given deadline, must pay a daily penalty, which is determined by the Library Management and approved by the Rectorate, without confronting any other procedures.


The users who started paying a daily penalty are not allowed to lend out any other materials unless they return the material and pay for the entire amount of the penalty.


If the users exceed 90 days, Library management starts a procedure and receives a 90-day penalty and the legislative procedures are applied in article 12 as well.


The users who have been punished twice are not allowed to borrow any materials for 3 months following the time they returned the material.


The penalties that are not paid are cut off from the salaries of the academicians and the administration staff. The registrations of the students who have not returned the materials are not renewed.

For those students who are graduated and for those students and personnel, who left the University for any reason, no operation will be done and their required documents will not be given unless they sever ties with the library.


According to the Inter Library Lending protocol, when outside users benefit from the lending system, the same judgments are applied by the Rectorates of the related universities for the academicians, personnel and students of other universities.
Overdue Fee

Article 11- For every source of reference book that is overdue, the amount of overdue fee is announced  at the beginning of every education term.
Misuse and Loss of Borrowed Material

Article 12 - (Change: SD-28/12/2009-145/A8-BTD-12/01/2010-61-13)

In the case of loss of a book or misuse of a book, the user is asked to buy the original material if it is available. If the original material is not available, the reader is asked to buy another book with the same price, which is determined by the library. Upon the proposal of the Library Directorate, the user also pays the technical operation and cargo/transportation fees upon the approval of the Rector.


If the lost or misused material is a copied multimedia material, the 50% of the current cost of the original material will be collected from the user.


The legislative procedures are applied in article 10 to the users who lost or misused the material they borrowed.


For those users who do not fulfill the obligations, the related disciplinary regulation articles and other legislative procedures are applied. 


Article 13 - (Add: SD-06/01/2005-43-A5-BTD-07/02/2005-10/B5) All the materials in the library are in the scope of copyright laws. If there is no decision otherwise, it is illegal to copy those materials according to the copyright laws. Therefore, all the members are considered to accept the copyright laws and Library Directives.


Article 14- This directive takes effect on the date of the approval by the Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics.



Article 15 - This directive is executed by the Rector of Izmir University of Economics.





This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 23/09/2002 and numbered 12/14 and the decision of the Board of Trustees dated 19/11/2002 and numbered 18-B-6.




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