ARTICLE 1 - The purpose of this bylaw is to set out the general rules and principles regarding the aims, activities, administrative organs and their duties of Izmir University of Economics Creative Entrepreneurship Research and Application Center.

ARTICLE 2 - This bylaw includes provisions regarding the aims, activities, administrative organs and their duties of Izmir University of Economics Creative Entrepreneurship Research and Application Center.

ARTICLE 3 - This bylaw has been established in accordance with paragraph (d), sub paragraph (2) of clause one of Article 7, and Article 14 of Higher Education Law No. 2547.

ARTICLE 4 - (Change:OG-2/4/2018-30379)
The references in this bylaw are as follows;
a) Advisory Board: Advisory Board of the Center,
b) Center (EKOGİRİŞİM): Izmir University of Economics Creative Entrepreneurship Research and Application Center,
c) Director: Director of the Center,
ç) Administrative Board: Administrative Board of the Center,
d) Board of Trustees: Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics,
e) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,
f) University: of Izmir University of Economics.

Aims of the Center
ARTICLE 5 -Aim of the Center is to conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of entrepreneurship to form a connection between academic work and practical work, and to support educational programs in the field.

Activities of the Center
ARTICLE 6 -Academic research in parallel to the center's goals, projects created to meet the needs of the business world in general, and small-scale and family businesses in particular, and projects to improve managerial training, form the fields of activity of the Center.

 Activities of the center are as follows:
a) Publishing research reports, articles and books,
b) Organizing seminars and conferences,
c) Preparing case studies,
ç) Providing consultancy services to enterprises about the subjects regarding the fields in which the Center functions.
d) Organizing business Ideas and business plan competitions,
e) Preparing course contents for masters and doctorate programs regarding the fields in which the Center functions,
f) Conducting research about the fields of activity of the unit established for supporting the students to implement the creative ideas.

  Administrative Organs of the Center
ARTICLE 7 -The Center consists of the following organs:
a) Director of the Center
b) Administrative Board
c) (Added:OG-2/4/2018-30379) Advisory Board

Director of the Center and his/her Duties
ARTICLE 8 – (1) Director of the Center is assigned by the Rector among the lecturers for a period of three years. Two people among the lecturers are assigned as Vice-Director for three years by the Rector upon the proposal of the Director of the Center. When the Director of the Center is absent, one of the Vice-Directors substitute for him/her. Period of substitution cannot exceed six months.
(2) The Director of the Center is at the same time the head of the Administrative Board. The Director can be re-assigned at the end of the three-year term.
(3) The duties of the Director are calling Administrative Board to a meeting, implementing the work program and the decisions taken by the Administrative Board, supervising the activities, directing the Center in accordance with its aims, preparing the annual activity report of the Center and submitting it to the Administrative Board.
Administrative Board and its Duties
ARTICLE 9 – (1) Administrative Board of the Center is made up of four people among lecturers of the University assigned by the Rector and the Director of the Center. The members whose assignment period expire may be reassigned. New members may be assigned to conclude the period of the members who leave before their assignments expire.

(2) Administrative Board gathers at least once a month upon the invitation of the Director of the Center and they revise the activities of the Center and take decisions about the related subjects. Administrative Board of the Center gathers with absolute majority and majority of votes takes the decisions.
(3) Administrative Board ascertains the bases regarding the arrangement of the activity report that the Director of the Center will prepare at the end of each activity period, evaluates the presented report, discusses and adjudicates the working program of the next period.

Advisory Board and its Duties
ARTICLE 9/A – (Added:OG-2/4/2018-30379) (1) Advisory Board is made up of people who are experts in their fields upon the recommendation of the Rector and the approval of the Board of Trustees.  The Board selects a Chairman among its members. The term of office, for Advisory Board members, is three years. The members can be re-elected at the end of their term of office. A new member can be appointed in the event of a member who resigns before his term is over. Advisory Board convenes twice a year upon the invitation of the Director.
(2) President of Board of Trustees, Rector, and Director of the Center are the natural members of the Advisory Board.

ARTICLE 9/B – (Added:OG-2/4/2018-30379)
Duties of the Advisory Board are as follows:
a) Supporting the Center with opinions and recommendations,
b) Supporting the research projects in accordance with the activities of the center, and help them carry the projects into effect,
c) Evaluate the activities of the Center, and its long-term scientific and administrative plans,
ç) Make suggestions to the Administrative Board of the Center.

ARTICLE 10- This Bylaw takes effect on the date it is published.

ARTICLE 11- The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Bylaw.

This bylaw takes effect on the date of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 25.05.2006 and numbered 26178.



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