Article 1-The purpose of this article is to determine the basis and principles about the organization, administration and working of Center for Urban and Regional Development and Environment.
Article 2-
This Regulation covers the decisions about the aims, administrative bodies, and administrative body duties of Izmir University of Economics, Center for Urban and Regional Development and Environment.
Article 3-This Regulation is bsed on article 14 of the sub item (2) of the item (d) of the first paragraph of the article 7 of the Higher Education Law 2547.
Article 4-The terms stipulated in this directive;
University: refers to the Izmir University of Economics
Rector: refers to the Rector of the Izmir University of Economics
Center: refers to the Izmir University of Economics Center for Urban and Regional Development and Environment
Director: of the Center refers to the Director of the Center
Board of Directors of the Center: refers to the Board of Directors of the Center
Advisory Board: refers to the Advisory Board of the Center
The Aim of the Center
Article 5-The aim of the Center is to make scientific research about urban and regional development and environment in order to contribute to the development of the cooperation between national and international institutions and the universities, and to give consultancy services and to plan and execute research and application projects in these fields.
Center’s Field of Activity
Article 6
The activities that will be performed by the Center are as follows;
a) To make economical and social analysis, planning and evaluations about urban and regional development and environment.
b) To execute researches and give consultancy services about urban policies and planning, urban development, real estate, labor market, land use management, urban and environment policies, integrated natural resources management, environmental management systems, environment economy, environmental incongruity management and environmental governance.
c) To analyze the economical dimensions of urban and regional development and environment policies in national and international areas.
d) To develop new technologies and ideas about the management of natural and regional environment, regional development and environment.
e) To execute works regarding documentation, database and monitoring units about urban, regional development and environment.
f) To support academic studies about these fields in the University and to contribute to them.
The Organs of the Center
Article 7- The organs of the Center is as follows;
a) Director of the Center,
b) Board of Directors,
c) Advisory Board.
Director of the Center and his/her Duties
Article 8-
Director of the Center is assigned by the Rector among the lecturers for three years period. Upon the request of the Director of the Center, two people among the lecturers are assigned by the Rector as Vice-Director for three years period. When the Director of the Center is absent, one of the Vice-Directors substitutes him/her. Period of substitution do not exceed six months.
Director of the Center is the President of the Board of Directors. When the assignment period of the Director of the Center expires s/he can be reassigned.
The duties of the Director of the Center are; to call Board of Directors of the Center to a meeting, to implement the working program and the decisions taken by the Board of Directors of the Center, to supervise the activities, to direct the Center in accordance with its aims, to prepare the annual activity report of the Center and submit it to the Board of Directors of the Center.
Board of Directors of the Center and its Duties
Article 9-Board of Directors of the Center is made up of six people assigned by the Rector among the Board of Directors, Director of the Center and lecturers of the University. The members whose assignment period expires may be reassigned. New members may be assigned to conclude the period of the members who leave before their assignments expire.
Board of Directors of the Center gathers at least once a month upon the invitation of the Director of the Center and they revise the activities of the Center and take decisions about the related subjects. Board of Directors of the Center gathers with absolute majority and the decisions are taken by majority of votes.
Board of Directors of the Center ascertains the bases regarding the arrangement of the activity report that the Director of the Center will prepare at the end of each activity period, evaluates the presented report, discusses and adjudicates the working program of the next period.
Advisory Board and its Duties
Article 10-Advisory Board is made up of at least seven people who distinguished themselves regarding their fields in trade and business world and in the society, and they are assigned by the Board of Trustees. The term of office of the Advisory Board Members is three years. The members whose assignment period expires may be reassigned. New members may be assigned to conclude the period of the members who leave before their assignments expire.
Advisory Board gathers twice a year upon the invitation of the Director of the Center and they make evaluations about the activities of the Center and advance proposals.
Article 11-This directive takes effect on the date it is published.
Article 12-The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics implements the rules and regulations of this policy.
This directive takes effect on the date of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 08.12.2005 and numbered 26017.