Article 1-(1) This regulations covers the principles of İzmir University of Economics Continuous Education Center (EKOSEM) established under the auspices of İzmir University of Economics Rector in accordance with the law numbered 2547 and the amended laws numbered 2880 including the amended article 7/d-2.
Article 2- (1) The general aim of UECEC is to arrange social activities and offer continuous education programs in all areas in which the university provides education and conducts researches excluding academic programs by publicizing the programs, it aims to contribute to the improvement of the cooperation between public, private and international institutions and the university.
The Working Field
Article 3- (1) (Change: OG 21.09.2020-31251) Accordance with its aims, UECEC plans educational programs via face-to-face and / or distance education infrastructure, proposes package programs, arranges and coordinates courses of national and international levels, as well as seminars, conferences and educational fairs for public, private and international institutions and individuals according to their needs.
The Establishment and Management
Article 4- (1) UECEC is constituted of these sections:
a) Board of Consultants
b) Board of management
c) UECEC Director
Consultative Committee
Article 5-(1) (Change: OG- 14/01/2018-30301) UECEC Board of Consultants consists of 7 distinguished members who excelled in society and trade business-life. The Board of Trustees elects the members of the Board of Consultants and the members of the Board serve for one year. Once they are through, they can be re-elected. The members who leave before the end of their term are replaced with elected new ones to complete the rest of their term.
(2) The Board of Consultants Committee convenes twice a year on the call of UECEC Director, and makes evaluations and proposals related to its main activities.
Board of Management
Article 6- (1) (Change: OG- 14/01/2018-30301)The management committee consists of five members including the UECEC Director, three members assigned by the Rector of Izmir University of Economics, and another member elected by IUE Board of Trustees among its members. The duty period of the Management Committee members is one year. The members who have served their term can be re-elected. The members who leave before their term are replaced with new ones elected to complete the rest of the term.
(2) The duty period of the Management Committee members is three years. The members who have served their term can be reelected. The members who leave before their term are replaced with new ones elected to complete the rest of the term.
(3) By the invitation of the UECEC Director, the Management Committee convenes every month. When necessary, this can be more frequent. By reviewing the headquarters activities, the committee makes decisions regarding related subjects. The committee convenes with absolute majority and makes decisions with the absolute majority of the attending members.
(4) The Management Committee determines the principles related to the preparation of the activity report that the UECEC Director draws up at the end of every activity term, evaluates the report presented and arranges the work schedule for the next term.
(5) The Committee determines the conditions for offering a certificate, certificate of achievement and other such documents at the end of the educational programs and proposes them to the University Senate. The Committee proposes the budget draft of UECEC with the UECEC Director and proposes it to the president of the University for the approval of the Board of Trustees.
The Director of UECEC
Article 7- (1) (Change: OG- 14/01/2018-30301) The UECEC director is appointed by the president of the University The UECEC Director is appointed by the Rector of Izmir University of Economics. The duty period of the UECEC Director is one year. The UECEC director is also the chair of the management committee. The director whose mission period is over can be re-appointed for the duty.
The Authority and Responsibility of the Director
Article 8- (1) UECEC Director implements the decisions and working programs made by the Management Committee and supervises the work. He manages the units under his authority in accordance with the activities of UECEC. At the end of every activity period, he prepares a report including UECEC activities and presents it to the Management Committee.
The Assistant Director
Article 9-(1) The president of the university nominates two faculty members at most as the assistant of the directors on the proposal of the UECEC director. The assistant director represents the director in the meetings that the director cannot attend. On occasions that the director is not on duty, he represents the director. By the invitation of the director, the assistant directors can attend the Management Committee convention without a right to vote.
Article 10- (1) The regulations are effective from the date of their publication.
Article 11- (1)This directive is executed by İzmir University of Economics Rector.
This directive takes effect on the date of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 24/03/2002 and numbered 24705.