Purpose and Scope
Article 1- (1) This regulation includes general rules regarding the implementation of advisory procedures, for students enrolled at associate and undergraduate degree programs of Izmir University of Economics, in helping them selecting the courses each semester by taking their academic success into consideration and helping them with their adaptation to University life, professional development, and career.


Article 2 – (1)The references in this regulation are stated as follows;
a) Academic Advisor: Faculty member(s) assigned by the department head in order to follow the academic achievement and professional development of the students, to inform and guide them about the courses to be taken and academic processes,
b) Interactive Registration: (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) Course registration procedure where the student and the advisor approve the courses together,
c) Advisor Approval: (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) Approval of the courses, selected by the student, through OASIS system,
ç) Tentative Approval: Approval of the advisor when the course selections are partially or entirely found inappropriate,
d) Student on Academic Inadequacy Status: (Change SD 10/09/2015 255 A15-BTD 06/10/2015 11) (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) Students with a CPGA of below 1.50 at the end of first grade, students with a CPGA of below 1.70 at the end of second grade, and students with a CPGA of below 1.80 at the end of third grade,
e) Student on Academic Probation Status: (Change SD 10/09/2015 255 A15-BTD 06/10/2015 11) (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) Students with a CGPA between 1.50-1.99 at the end of first grade, students with a CGPA between 1.70-1.99 at the end of second grade, and students with a CGPA between 1.80-1.99 at the end of third grade, 
f) Academic Unit Administrator: Respective Department Head, Faculty Dean, or School Director,
g)Department Head: The head of the departments of faculties, schools, or vocational schools affiliated with Izmir University of Economics,
ğ)Dean: The deans of the faculties affiliated with Izmir University of Economics,
h) Director: The directors of schools, and vocational schools affiliated with Izmir University of Economics,
ı) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,
i) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,
j) University: Izmir University of Economics.


Article 3- (1)This regulation has been prepared in accordance with the Article 31 of Izmir University of Economics Regulation For Associate And Undergraduate Degree Education And Examinations.


Assignment of Advisors
Article 4- (1)Each student, to start education at the program/department he/she enrolled to, is assigned an advisor selected among the full-time faculty members by the respective department head.
(2) (Deleted SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) 
(3)If the faculty member assigned as an advisor has a reasonable excuse to be outside the University or not to carry out his/her duty as an advisor, a temporary or permanent advisor may be assigned in his/her place by the respective department head.
(4)Academic advisory for exchange students, at the University as part of ERASMUS or other cooperation protocols, is carried out by the ERASMUS Coordinator of the respective department in collaboration with the Office of International Relations  Directorate.
(5)Academic advisory regarding the courses taken as part of DMP, MP, and Certificate Programs, is carried out by the DMP, MP, and Certificate Programs Coordinators of the respective department.
(6) (Added SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) Advisor and coordinator monitors the student throughout his/her education. Student’s advisor and coordinator are not changed unless absolutely necessary.  


Duties of the Advisor
Article 5- (1)The duties of the academic advisor are stated as follows:
a) (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) Provides advising to students in selecting their courses and in planning their entire education-training processes throughout their education lives. The advisor may make recommendations regarding the student’s course selections, and grant a tentative approval. 
b) Provides information and guidance to students on adaptation to university life, and on subjects of professional development, and career.
c) Knows and follows up the most current regulations and principles on education, examinations, and discipline.
ç) Provides help in solving the problems faced by the students throughout their university lives.
d) Provides information to the academic unit administrator on the special education needs of the disabled students.
e) Checks the academic achievements of the students and makes sure they took all the courses they were supposed to take and met all the graduation requirements, and provides feedback to the students. 
f) Makes sure he/she has a mutually respectable relationship with the students.


Supervision and Improvement
Article 6 – (1)The respective academic unit administrator is in charge of providing feedback to the University administration regarding the supervision of the duties and activities of the advisor, and improvement of the advisory processes. The advisors submit their recommendations they feel necessary for an efficient advisory system to the respective academic unit administrator.


Student’s Responsibilities
Article 7- (1)Student’s responsibilities in the advisory procedure are stated as follows:
a) (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) The student has to be aware of and meet all the regulations and arrangements regarding education-training processes, and requirements for taking courses, passing grades, graduation, etc. The student has to renew course registration by taking the advisor’s recommendations, tentative approvals into consideration. The student shall be responsible for choices made and actions taken regarding the student’s education-training processes.  
b) The student has to make contact with his/her advisor at least once in each semester.
c) The student has to complete the course registrations through OASIS within the dates specified in the academic calendar, and get them approved by the advisor.
ç) (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) The student has to complete the course registrations through Student Information System within the dates designated on the academic calendar, and get them approved by his/her advisor/coordinator during course registrations and add-drop periods.  
d) The student has to obey the regulations, values, and principles of the institution.
e) The student has to have mutually respectable relationship with the advisor during advising processes.


Course Registrations and Approvals
Article 8- (1)The procedures regarding course registrations for students enrolled at associate and undergraduate degree programs of Izmir University of Economics are as follows:
a) Students are required to complete the course registrations within the dates designated and announced by the University at the beginning of each semester, and get their advisor’s approval.
b) Students on academic inadequacy status, and sophomore students on academic probation status in associate degree programs, or junior or senior students on academic probation status in undergraduate degree programs need to have interactive course registration. 
c) Course registrations and approvals are done through OASIS (Student Information System).
ç) (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) Advisor approval is required for both course registrations and add-drop periods.
d) Students, who are required to do interactive registration, enter their OASIS passwords with their advisor by using computers on campus local network.
e) All registrations and advisor approvals, excluding interactive registrations, may be done by using off campus computers.
f) Students, who are not required to do interactive registration, may be asked to do interactive registration by their advisors if necessary. These students are sent a message through OASIS and must complete their interactive registration with their advisors.
g) (Changed SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31) The advisor may make recommendations regarding the student’s course selections, and grant a tentative approval, and indicates the reasoning in Student Information System. 
ğ) The semester/academic year registrations are finalized with the approval of the advisor. The semester/academic year registrations, which are not approved by the advisor, will be invalid even if the financial requirements are met.
h) The administration and the advisors reserve the right to take actions against or make a change about the registrations that are contrary to the regulations, or the registrations that are not completed within the designated dates.


Article 9 – (1) (Deleted SD 25/12/2019-379-A/14 / BTD 15/01/2020-31)


Article 10 – (1) This Regulation takes effect on the date of its acceptance by the University Senate.


Article 11 – (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Regulation.


This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 07.01.2013 and numbered 202/A11 and the decision of the Board of Trustees dated 12.02.2013 and numbered 30/17.




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