Unforgettable performance at IUE

Artist Pınar Ayhan was the guest of Izmir University of Economics (IUE) for two days with her musical documentary ‘Orada Duruverseydi Zaman’ (If Time Stopped There). In the program, which took place within the scope of the events in observance of the centennial of the Republic and commemorating the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Pınar Ayhan took the audience on a historical journey through 100 years of time. In her unique performance, Ayhan shared information and stories about the Gallipoli Campaign, the Black Sea Ferry, the Ozsoy Opera and the Village Institutes.
The musical documentary ‘Orada Duruverseydi Zaman’ was presented on November 7-8 with the cooperation of Izmir Chamber of Commerce (IZTO), Izmir University of Economics and IZTO Education and Health Foundation.
IUE Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hakan Abacıoğlu, IZTO Assembly Chairman Selami Özpoyraz, IZTO Vice Chairman and IUE Board of Trustees Member Emre Kızılgüneşler, members of the board of trustees of the University and the foundation, guests and faculty members attended the first day performance of the musical documentary. The second day of the musical documentary also welcomed IZTO members and IUE members. Artist Pınar Ayhan gave the audience an unforgettable evening with her magnificent performance and got full marks from the guests for her music, decorations and accessories reflecting the history.
Stating that they are happy to host such a valuable and special event, Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Hakan Abacıoğlu said, “Our Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, in a statement explaining the importance he attached to art, said, ‘A nation cannot have a complete life if it is deprived of art and artists’. I think it has a special meaning to commemorate the Great Ataturk, who thought like this and illuminated our path with his horizon and vision, with a special art event. We were happy to host artist Pınar Ayhan at our University. We commemorate our great leader and ancestor with respect, gratitude and mercy on the 85th anniversary of his death. Taking strength from our ancestor, our history, and the heroism of our past, we will work to raise young people who are self-confident, love their homeland, and follow the path of science and reason in order to march strongly towards the goal of Greater Turkey. We will raise young people who will carry our Republic forward.”