20th Graduate Conference
Date : 25 MAY 2024-25 MAY 2024
Clock : 9:00-19:00
Place : Konferans Salonu (Açılış Konuşmaları) ve Derslikler
Explanation :
As the Izmir University of Economics, we host the 20th Graduate Conference of the Turkish Political Science Association (TPSA). The conference, which aims to create a ground for Turkey's young academic candidates to come together and discuss their ideas and products, will be held on Saturday, May 25, 2024. The conference will be in Turkish.
The papers to be presented at the conference should be related to the topics within the scope of political science and international relations disciplines. Yet, the conference program also includes studies from history, sociology, economics, communication, psychology, law, anthropology, etc., that refer to political science and international relations topics.
https://www.siyasiilimler.org.tr/siyasi-ilimler-turk-dernegi-xx-lisansustu-konferansi-2024-bildiri-cagrisi/ (Turkish)
Category : Conference
Contact :
Related department: Faculty of Business