Purpose and Scope

ARTICLE 1- (1) This regulation covers the application requirements, selection and registration-admission procedures of students who will be admitted to Izmir University of Economics to study at associate, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels within the scope of the international quota.



ARTICLE 2- (1) This Regulation has been prepared in accordance with the “Principles Regarding Admission of Students from Abroad” published by the Presidency of Council of Higher Education; “Izmir University of Economics Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations” published in the Official Gazette dated 22.01.2013 and numbered 28536; “Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Bylaw” published in the Official Gazette dated 9.10.2017 and numbered 30205; “Izmir University of Economics Regulation on Graduate Education and Training” published in the Official Gazette dated 20.04.2016 and numbered 29690; and “Izmir University of Economics Graduate Degree Education Bylaw” published in the Official Gazette dated 27.12.2020 and numbered 31347.



ARTICLE 3- (1) For each academic year within the scope of the international quota:

a) the application requirements for students to be admitted to associate and undergraduate programs are determined by the Senate and notified to the Council of Higher Education.   

b) the application requirements for students to be admitted to master's and doctoral programs are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the Administrative Board of the Graduate School.

c) the quotas for paid, discounted, and scholarship students for associate and undergraduate programs are determined by the Senate and notified to the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education following the approval of the Board of Trustees.    

ç) the quotas for paid, discounted, and scholarship students for master's and doctoral programs are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the Administrative Board of the Graduate School and submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.

d) the universities abroad where the candidates obtained their undergraduate/graduate degrees must be recognized by the Council of Higher Education (YOK).

(3) even if additional quotas are available during enrollment, students cannot be admitted with scores below the announced scores.

(4) the application conditions and application dates for students to be admitted within the scope of the international quota are published on the University's website.



ARTICLE 4- (1) All fees to be paid by students who will enroll in associate and undergraduate programs, master's and doctoral programs within the scope of the international quota, the method and time of payment are determined by the Board of Trustees upon the proposal of the Senate for each academic year.



ARTICLE 5- (1) Students, who will apply for associate, undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs to be accepted within the scope of the international quota, prepare their application documents and make their applications online.


Evaluation and Conclusion of Applications

ARTICLE 6-(1) The applications of students applying for associate, undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs within the scope of the international quota are evaluated by the representatives of the relevant academic unit according to the announced conditions. After the necessary approvals are obtained from the relevant units, acceptance letters are sent to the candidates who meet the conditions.

(2) For departments that admit students through an aptitude test, the candidate may be interviewed by phone or invited for an interview. The candidate may be asked to prepare a portfolio and/or special folder. In that case, the results of the phone interview and the interview are also taken into account in the evaluation.

(3) Students who are eligible for final registration are determined by the decision of the relevant faculty / school / graduate school administrative board.



ARTICLE 7- (1) The registration procedures of students within the scope of the international quota at Izmir University of Economics are carried out on the announced dates.

(2) Candidates, who fail to register within the deadline or fail to provide the required documents, are deemed to have given up their right to register. Those, whose documents are incomplete or falsified, those who have been dismissed from any higher education institution with a disciplinary penalty, or those whose right to register within the scope of the international quota is canceled as a result of the examinations made by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education, are canceled even if their registrations have been made. No refund will be made to those whose registrations are canceled for these reasons.

(3) The student must be present in person at the final registration and submit the documents specified in the acceptance letter in full.

(4) Registration cannot be completed with missing documents.


Non Provisional Cases

ARTICLE 8- (1) In matters not covered in this Regulation, the provisions of the relevant laws, regulations and the decisions of the General Assembly of Council of Higher Education are valid.



ARTICLE 9-(1) This Regulation may be amended by the decision of the Senate of Izmir University of Economics.



ARTICLE 10- (1) This Regulation takes effect on the date it is approved by the Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics.



ARTICLE 11- (1) The Rector of Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Regulation.

The "Regulations for Foreign Students Registration Admission” repealed and the re-prepared "Regulations for Foreign Students Registration Admission” has entered into force by the decision of Senate dated 05.06.2024 and numbered 531-2024/11-C1 and Board of Trustees dated 04.07.2024 and numbered 90.



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